Thursday, July 20, 2006


Angels must be confused by war.
Both sides praying for protection,
yet someone always gets hurt.
Someone dies.
Someone cries so deep
they lose their watery state.

Angels must be confused by war.
Who can they help?
Who can they clarify?
Whose mercy do they cast to the merciless?
No modest scream can be heard.
No stainless pain can be felt.
All is clear to angels
except in war.

When I awoke to this truth
it was from a dream I had last night.
I saw two angels conversing in a field
of children's spirits rising
like silver smoke.
The angels were fighting among themselves
about which side was right
and which was wrong.
Who started the conflict?

Suddenly, the angels stilled themselves
like a stalled pendulum,
and they shed their compassion
to the rising smoke
of souls who bore the watermark of war.
They turned to me with those eyes
from God's library,
and all the pieces fallen
were raised in unison,
coupled like the breath
of flames in a holy furnace.

Nothing in war comes to destruction,
but the illusion of separateness.
I heard this spoken so clearly I could only
write it down like a forged signature.
I remember the compassion,
mountainous, proportioned for the universe.
I think a tiny fleck still sticks to me
like gossamer threads
from a spider's web.

And now, when I think of war,
I flick these threads to the entire universe,
hoping they stick on others
as they did me.
Knitting angels and animals
to the filamental grace of compassion.
The reticulum of our skyward home.

© Copyright, WingMakers LLC 1998-2001

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Infinite Design

I was playing around with concepts of Infinite design. In this respect is a friendship a work of art? Does an artist have to apply the same laws of existence to life as a whole, as they apply to the canvas? It would seem so. Van Gogh said: "It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to. . . . The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures. "

Quantum Mechanics is the light of creation teaching the scientists about art... Because if you look at the most ancient civilisations buried under the sands of time, their cornerstone is art. The legends of Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria are about art, and the high level of technological development is indivisible from the understanding of Cosmic design. Quantum science is about Infinite Design. Human beings were born from the womb of Infinite Design, we observe it, we rely on it for our existence and we enter it when the last thread of our lives unravels into its quantum sacred geometric vision.

That is what life is: An artistic vision. Self perpetuation. Expanding and contracting (the twin forces). Perfectly balanced. The great artists were the first people to understand the mystery of Quantum Science. The rest of the world is catching up. Because expressing that as truthfully as you can (as an artist), requires you to be a visionary, a remote viewer, a lover, a warrior, a revolutionary and a living canvas of the divine. If all the peoples of the world were artists, the religions would have to peddle their wares on a planet less evolved, and struggling with its identity - as this one is now... sadly to say.

The living mind should not be entombed in cold stone walls and darkness, buried in a mindless death before the last thread releases the soul to its own brighness. The living mind is the work of art, sculpted by an unseen mystery and guided by an artist... Look around you.

